Speaker Bio

After 20 years working as an engineer and an engineering manager, through layoffs, terminations and career frustrations, Gary knew something had to change. Gary started working as a contract engineer almost 20 years ago, and he continues to choose to work as a contractor. Over this time, Gary has had numerous contracts, for multiple companies, and at different locations across the country. And, every company has offered him a permanent job. Yet, he prefers to work as a contractor.

Over most of the years working as a contract engineer, Gary has spent six months each year sailing the islands of the Caribbean followed by working as a contract engineer for the next six months. Discover why employers want to work with someone with an unconventional lifestyle, interrupted work schedule, while paying a higher rate to work with him through a contract agency.

Gary’s signature virtual talk on How to Make Yourself Indispensable at Work will be beneficial to many STEM workers throughout their career.